a) Udaan News aims to share accurate information. We’re careful about what we publish and always question and check the facts.
b) Accuracy matters a lot to us. We promise to get the facts right, considering what’s needed for each story, and we’ll tell you if there’s anything that might affect how accurate we can be.
c) We make sure our stories are based on good evidence and double-checked. We want to be honest and avoid making things up when we’re not sure.
d) Our reporters never copy someone else’s work or twist the truth, including pictures and videos.
e) We check important details from different sources, especially if it’s something said by someone in power or if it’s hard to confirm. If we can’t double-check something, we let you know.
d) Udaan News stands by the information we share. If we find out we’re wrong, we’ll fix it fast. We don’t want to mislead you, and we’re honest about our mistakes.
e) We give you a chance to tell us if we’ve got something wrong. You’ll find a ‘Suggest A Correction’ section at the end of every story on our website.
f) Our reporters focus on telling stories accurately. Before we publish, our stories are checked by different editors to make sure they’re right. The level of checking depends on how tricky the story is.
Correction Policies
Even though we do our best, we know we can sometimes make mistakes. Here’s what happens when we find out we got something wrong:
If you see something wrong, contact our editor-in-chief directly through email, phone, mail, or in person.
Email: udaannews10@gmail.com
Subject: Correction Needed
Tell us what’s wrong, where you saw it, and leave your name and contact info. Also, let us know the right info and where you found it. Sending a correction means we’ll look into it, but it might not always lead to a correction.
Once we hear about a mistake, we dig into it using the info you provided and other sources.
If we find we made an error:
We’ll print a correction in the next issue. It’ll say what was wrong and what’s right.
Online articles will be updated with a note explaining what was wrong and when we fixed it.
If we posted about it on social media, we’ll post a correction there too, linking to the corrected article.